Saturday, May 25, 2013

Tween Ministry Idea - A Salad Garden

Some tweens are raised in church. They know many of the stories and verses that are taught in Bible lessons. They might seem almost bored as they hear the lessons and answer the questions, but they thrive when given opportunities to live out their faith.

Other tweens are new to church. They are trying to see how the truths they are learning apply to real life.

Having a salad garden ministry is a great way to reach both groups.

Planning the Garden

Planning a garden with a few salad veggies is fun and quickly rewarding. Tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, green beans, cucumbers, and lettuce are relatively easy-to-grow favorites. When planning, decide if the garden will be a group project or taken on by one person. If it is a project for one person, a smaller area (or even a single tomato plant) will be enough to care for.

Decide where the garden will be. Is there an area for garden plots on the church land? Could the garden be grown on a ministry leader's property? If it is a one person project, it could be grown in the individual's back yard.

Talk to church members and local businesses for donations of plants, garden tools, and hoses.


Working the Garden

Set up a schedule of care for the garden. Someone should be responsible for planting, watering, weeding, and harvesting. Perhaps the group will work together at specified times (like before a mid-week meeting), or maybe smaller groups will sign up for times scattered throughout the week. This is a neat way to involve parents with tween ministry.

Sharing the Garden

Sharing the garden is the fruition of the project. The Bible says this:

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. . .   Matthew 25:35   (NIV)

Where can the garden produce be shared?

  • Assisted living apartments
  • Food pantries
  • Churches
  • Soup kitchens

What ideas can you add for a salad garden ministry?

copyright (c) 2013 Carol McAdams Moore

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