Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Workin' Backwards

Calling all tweens!
New tween devos are coming. They are all about your life and what the Bible says about you! Each devotion is personal. Each one will help you grow in your faith in God. Be ready! Get stoked because Jesus cares for you! New tween devos. . .coming from Zonderkidz in 2015. 

I've been planning the calendar for the devos for some time now. They come out in 2015. A lot of times, people haven't thought too much about life events two years out. Often they will be doing basically the same things. . . doing the same job, living in the same place, and being involved in the same activities.

But writing and marketing a book is very different. It is critical to plan far ahead. After all, a book doesn't just show up on the bookstore shelves. It didn't write itself. It can't just call out to the media to announce its own arrival and expect that everyone will drop what they are doing and rush to the stores to buy it. Yep. Writing and marketing a book takes a lot of planning and work long before the book ever shows up on the shelves.

One thing I have been working on is planning how to work backwards on the devos (and living the plan). Here are some steps in planning to work backwards.

Consider the due date for the manuscript. That seems very straight forward - right? You just look at the contract and look at the date on the contract. (*smiles as she types contract* Thank you, God! Please write these books through me.) The simply complicated answer is yes and no. Yep. Mark that all important due date on the calendar, but then think about that a little more.

Life is busy. Life is also full of surprises. Jobs, illness, family responsibilities, and many, many other things can change. In all truth, those things can change right at the time that a deadline is approaching.

A writer needs to have another plan, one that does not include writing up to the day before the deadline on the contract. So, she marks the calendar again. This time, she marks a self-imposed deadline. It is a date that reflects time to complete her work and a buffer time before the publisher's deadline. Wendy Lawton of the Books & Such Literary Agency writes more about realistic deadlines here.

This morning I am looking at those dates again. I'm checking just where I am on that plan because I'm workin' backwards.

Maybe you are a writer, too. You might be throwing up your hands as you read this. You might be thinking, "Well. That's nice for you, but how did you get to that point? How did you get a contract?"

I'm going to be writing about my journey. No one is born a published author. Your journey to publication might be different than mine, but I am happy to share my story. I praise God for every opportunity that He gives me, and I am continually amazed at His awesome ways! I love this verse:

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. . .  Ephesians 3:20  NIV

Don't you just marvel at the amazing things that God does? It is not about me or you. It is all about God working through us. Amazing!

P.S. You might be wonder what devos I'm writing about. I have the blessings of writing two devotional books for Zonderkidz. Will you pray with me about the devos? You can sign up to be a prayer partner on the right. I won't share your contact info. Promise.



A writer needs to have another plan, one that does not include writing up to the day before the deadline on the contract.   Tweet this!

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. . .  Ephesians 3:20  NIV   Tweet this!

It is not about me or you. It is all about God working through us. Amazing!   Tweet this!


copyright (c) 2013 Carol McAdams Moore

Monday, April 29, 2013

Tree Branches. . . R U One?

I love, love, love this old tree! Don't you just want to climb up on one of those branches to think and pray? Can't you just see someone up there reading? Can't you imagine teens darting around in an unofficial game of tag?
Check out that amazing trunk. It all started from the same place. But then it grew and changed, and each part has its own personality and purpose. But each branch is still part of the tree.

I think that Christians should be like the branches of this tree.

Here is something interesting. I keep coming back to look at this picture. It draws me in. Ah! Shouldn't the body of Christ be like this. . . fascinating, drawing people in?

Jesus said this:

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5 NIV

I pray that you will have a fascinating, purposeful Monday!

BTW - Which branch is you? Just wonderin'. . .


Do you know that the Bible is all about your life? Can you say P_E_R_S_O_N_A_L? I have the awesome blessing of writing tween devos for Zonderkidz. . . coming in 2015. Be ready! Get stoked! Jesus cares for you and wants to be in your brain! 

Will you pray with me about the devos? You can sign up to be a prayer partner on the right. I won't share your contact info. Promise.



I think that Christians should be like the branches of this tree.   Tweet this!

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5  NIV   Tweet this!

Shouldn't the body of Christ be like this. . . fascinating, drawing people in?    Tweet this!


copyright (c) 2013 Carol McAdams Moore

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Dig Dirt?

Think about dirt. It means. . . well. . . dirt means lots of things. Think dirt. . . like the kind under the grass, the kind you can dig. . . with a shovel or a backhoe. So, do you like it? Do you like dirt?

Today they came. Lots of families, lots of people with suits, lots of people with cameras. One came on a bike. I thought that was wise. It was like a nod to help, you know, by keeping down the traffic.

Why did they come? They came to see the dirt shoveled from the ground. They came to pray about a new plan, dedication to God, and growth.

Dirt is a must-have for things to grow. I think that it is needed for almost everything to grow. Today it was not about things like flowers or veggies or new little trees. Today it was about growing God's church. It was about new classrooms to grow the children who will learn here.

It was cold and rainy (just a threat). It wasn't the warm kind of day for planting flowers or veggies or new little trees. But it was a perfect day for digging dirt and for looking to the future to grow up children in God's house.

Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. Matthew 13:8 NIV

I think I dig dirt. I think I really like it. How about you?

I'm glad you stopped by my blog! A few days ago I blogged about my awesome opp to write tween devos for Zonderkidz. You can read about it here. I'm hoping that you will pray with me about the devos. You can sign up to be a prayer partner on the right. I won't share you contact info. Promise.



Today was a perfect day for digging dirt and looking to the future to grow up children in God's house.   Tweet this!

Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. Matthew 13:8 NIV   Tweet this!


copyright (c) 2013 Carol McAdams Moore

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My Not-So-Smart Phone

I wanted to make a list. For the tween devos I'm writing. A list of tweens I know.

I thought I could put the list on my phone. The list could have been like this:
  • fam
  • friends
  • neighbors
  • ones from church
I guess (no. . . I know) I have a not-so-smart phone.

You know what? I don't care.

I don't really care about how smart my phone is.

I do care about the tweens on the list.

How about you? Who are the tweens on your list? You know. The ones you pray will know Jesus.

Will you make a list today? It doesn't matter if you have a not-so-smart phone (or if you do). A paper list is works, too. Will you pray for the tweens on the list? Pray that they will know Jesus.

Will you pray for me, too? I want Jesus to use me to write for those tweens.

Here is something that Jesus said about that:

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.  Matthew 18:20 NIV

So. . . if two or three of us pray. . . or two or three hundred of us pray. . .

What's this all about? A few days ago I blogged about my awesome opp to write tween devos for Zonderkidz. You can read about it here. I'm hoping that you will pray with me about the devos. You can sign up to be a prayer partner on the right. I won't share you contact info. Promise.



Who are the tweens that you pray will know Jesus?   Tweet this!

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.  Matthew 18:20  NIV   Tweet this!

So. . . if two or three of us pray. . . or two or three hundred of us pray. . .    Tweet this!


copyright (c) 2013 Carol McAdams Moore

Monday, April 15, 2013

They Lined Up

It happened yesterday. They lined up in front. Tall and short. One with a bow tie. I think.

The minister said that most people who have graduated from with college have never read the whole thing. Seriously? That is sad. Seriously.

The line was up there. In front of everyone. They were the 6th graders. Yesterday, they got study Bibles.

Those words:
  • study Bible
  • Bible study
  • study the Bible 

I hope they will. For sure. No. I pray they will do those words.  

Here is something the Bible says about that:

but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.  Psalm 1:2

It's not just them. Not just the 6th graders who lined up. It is the 5th graders. It is the 7th graders. They are not the only ones called to read. To study. It is me. I'm thinking it is you, too

What's this all about? A few days ago I blogged about my awesome opp to write tween devos for Zonderkidz. You can read about it here. I'm hoping that you will pray with me about the devos. You can sign up to be a prayer partner on the right. I won't share you contact info. Promise.



What if we all read the whole Bible. . .   Tweet this!

but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.  Psalm 1:2 NIV   Tweet this!

When is your fav time to read the Bible?   Tweet this!


copyright (c) 2013 Carol McAdams Moore

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Listening for Jesus

They were hiding from me! Beautiful tulips growing up between the daffodils. I was so busy looking. But not at the tulips coming up. The yellow daffodils had my attention. And now the daffodils have faded and it is the season for the sweet, pink tulips.

Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.  Song of Songs 2:12 NIV

I'm praying to see what Jesus wants me to see. I don't want to be distracted by the obvious or the things screaming for my attention. I think His words are quiet and soft, more like the sweet whispers of the tulips.

In case we haven't connected for a few days I want to share this with you. Several days ago I blogged about my awesome opp to write tween devos for Zonderkidz. You can read about it here. I'm hoping that you will pray with me about the devos. You can sign up to be a prayer partner on the right. I won't share you contact info. Promise.



I'm praying to see what Jesus wants me to see.   Tweet this!

Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.  Song of Song 2:12 NIV   Tweet this!

I think Jesus' words are quiet and soft, more like the sweet whispers of the tulips.   Tweet this!


copyright (c) 2013 Carol McAdams Moore

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Words All Around

I was here at the Kansas City Public Library near the Plaza. Love, love, love this work of art at the entrance! Words all around!

It made me think about words. You know all about them. And they are everywhere.

  • kind - hurtful
  • encouraging - discouraging
  • happy - not so happy 

The list doesn't stop. 

The Bible has lots of words to teach and to encourage.

Then he taught me, and he said to me, “Take hold of my words with all your heart; keep my commands, and you will live."  Proverbs 4:4 NIV

Will you pray about the words in my devos? I'm praying that my readers will hear the words of Jesus. That is what matters.

What's this all about? A few days ago I blogged about my awesome opp to write tween devos for Zonderkidz. You can read about it here. I'm hoping that you will pray with me about the devos. You can sign up to be a prayer partner on the right. I won't share you contact info. Promise.



Will you be a prayer partner for my forthcoming devotionals from Zonderkidz?   Tweet this!

Then he taught me, and he said to me, “Take hold of my words with all your heart; keep my commands, and you will live."  Proverbs 4:4 NIV   Tweet this!

I'm praying that my readers will hear the words of Jesus. That is what matters.   Tweet this!


copyright (c) 2013 Carol McAdams Moore

Friday, April 12, 2013

New Author Photo

Time for a new author pic. No special updo. No make up. No shopping trip for a special outfit.

SO. . . .what do you think? What? You can't see my face?? It seems like I am missing from the picture?

What can I say? P_E_R_F_E_C_T! 

Why? I pray that readers will see what Jesus wants them to see. . .

  • His truth
  • His encouragement
  • His love
If the readers see me, I have failed. Maybe you have heard the song words "Let others see Jesus in me. . . "

Pray with me today. Pray that I will be transparent. Pray that the message of Jesus will shine through in my writing.

What's this all about? A few days ago I blogged about my awesome opp to write tween devos for Zonderkidz. You can read about it here. I'm hoping that you will pray with me about the devos. You can sign up to be a prayer partner on the right. I won't share you contact info. Promise.



Join me as I pray for my forthcoming devotionals from Zonderkidz.   Tweet this!

"Let others see Jesus in me. . ."   Tweet this!

Praying that the message of Jesus will shine through in my writing.   Tweet this!


copyright (c) 2013 Carol McAdams Moore

Thursday, April 11, 2013

To Do List

Thanks for stopping! I am blogging about an awesome opportunity from God. Zonderkidz will publish TWO new devotional books for tweens. I am the humble gal who gets to write them.You can read more about the whole thing here.

I am lookin' for peeps to pray about the books. What about you? Will you join us?

You can sign up as a prayer partner. It's on the right. I won't share your name. Promise.

Who all will be prayin?
  • tweens
  • student ministry workers
  • pastors
  • parents
  • grandparents
  • writers
  • YOU!

Here is what the Bible says:

Therefore I will praise you, Lord, among the nations; I will sing the praises of your name.  Psalm 18:49 NIV

It sounds like this to me. . . 

Will you praise God with me today?

  1. God is amazing!
  2. God has provided another opp for peeps to hear His word.
  3. God is amazing!

Tomorrow I will post my new author pic. Need your ideas. Seriously.



Zonderkidz will publish TWO new devotional books for tweens.  Tweet this!

Will you praise God with me today?  Tweet this!

Therefore I will praise you, Lord, among the nations; I will sing the praises of your name.  Psalm 18:49 NIV  Tweet this!


copyright (c) 2013 Carol McAdams Moore

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Forthcoming Tween Devotional Books from Zonderkidz

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I promised that I had big news to announce. . . HUGE news, really! I am thrilled to announce that I have been asked to write two books for Zonderkidz. The books will be devotions for tweens (ages 9-12). I have been wanting to share the news with you for awhile. Isn't God amazing?

I pray that this blog will be a gathering place for those who love tweens. I seek your prayers as I complete this awesome task of sharing God's word. Those of you who know me know that I believe that this is not about my writing. Rather, it is an opportunity for God to work.

Today I am praising God and calling out to those who will pray for this work. Please join me here to follow the prayer needs and praises of this work. Let's pray together for the tweens who will read the devotions. Will you join me in doing that? You can get updates on the work. . . and special prayer requests by signing up to be a prayer partner on the form at the right.

I wonder who will gather here. I am praying for each of you already.

Are You a Tween?

Welcome! Hooray! I'm looking forward to many sweet prayer opps for you and the other tweens who will read these books. 

Maybe You Are a Pastor or Student Ministry Worker

I am so happy to have you. Please don't hesitate to contact with topics that you would like to see in a tween devotional book.

Are You a Parent or Grandparent?

I love parents and grandparents! They are so often the prayer warriors of the family.

Maybe You Are a Writer

I seek your prayers that I will have the right words and God's guidance throughout this writing.



Will you pray with me about these forthcoming devotional books?   Tweet this!

Zonderkidz to publish new devotional books for tweens.   Tweet this!

I pray this will be a gathering place for those who seek to share God's love with tweens.   Tweet this!


copyright (c) 2013 Carol McAdams Moore

Monday, April 01, 2013

Freedom in Jesus

I hope you had an Easter that was truly blessed! Isn't it amazing, and more than just a little overwhelming, the love that God has for us? Just as the sun was setting on Easter, I drove past a family flying kites. This butterfly kite just said it all. When Jesus gave up His life for us, He intended us to be free. The freedom that Jesus offers us is to live and serve in joy and complete abandonment. I pray that this week you will experience that fresh joy of Jesus' love and forgiveness.
P.S. Don't be a stranger! I invite you to sign up for emails of my blog. This week I will have some big news to announce. I hope that you will join me on a very exciting writing journey!

copyright (c) 2013  Carol McAdams Moore