Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Three Rules for Behavior Management at VBS

Vacation Bible School is huge. Obviously, it is huge because of its importance in teaching kids about God and His plan for their lives.

VBS is huge in other ways as well. It is a time when a very large number of children and adults gather. Huge! Sheer numbers can create a time of confusion or even chaos, but it does not have to be. Exercising three rules can make Vacation Bible School a breeze.

  • Prepare

    This one really applies to the adults, but the end result helps everyone. Preparing materials and planning which adult will be responsible for different tasks ahead of time as possible will keep the lessons and activities flowing. Kids will stay engaged in learning and fun.
  • Explain Expectations

    Everyone does better knowing their expectations. If a child knows what is expected (such as listening during prayer or as another child/adult speaks) it is much for likely to happen. No expectations explained? The results are left up as many interpretations as there are children and adults.
  • Follow a Routine

    People (young and old) thrive on routine. Many Bible Schools have a schedule (routine) that assists teachers in moving on to the next activity. If your VBS has classes that function independently (all activities in one room) consider creating a schedule so that things get done and kids know what to expect next. 


Notes from Carol

I am super excited about my devos for tweens. . .

Dare U 2 Open This Book 


Just Sayin'

Coming from Zonderkidz in October 2014!

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copyright (c) 2014 Carol McAdams Moore

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