Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Saturday, December 20, 2014
A Sweet Book for Toddler Girls
![]() |
Diane Stortz |

The Sweetest Story Bible for Toddlers is a board book. Its pink cover is sprinkled with twinkly stars. A large heart announces the title, and three smiling little girls invite the reader to explore the inside of the book. The color and feel of the book is special, yet durable for young hands. The size is perfect for a toddler to hold and to turn the pages. Inside the book, young book enthusiasts have a treat with lovely color illustrations an simple, toddler-friendly text for eight Bible stories: A Perfect World, Safe in a Big Boat, Saving Baby Moses, Brave Queen Esther, Born in a Stable, Let the Children Come, The Saddest Day, Alive Again!

The Sweetest Story Bible for Toddlers would make a lovely gift for many occasions: a baby shower, a baby's birth, a baby dedication, as well as Christmas, birthday, or Easter for a toddler. Here is what the publisher says about this charming book:
The sweetest things surround a little girl's life: hearts and flowers, kittens and puppies, umbrellas and tea parties, kisses and hugs. But the sweetest thing of all in her life is God's love. The Sweetest Story Bible for Toddlers includes eight beloved Bible stories that show how much God love his people and every little girl.
The Sweetest Story Bible for Toddlers is a must-read for every little girl. What a wonderful addition to a child's library and sweet words of life for her tender heart!
Notes from Carol
I am blessed to have two new releases. They are tween devos from Zonderkidz. What people are saying about the devotionals --
- The super fun feature about this devotional is it is interactive. Each devotional encourages drawing or something else artistic right in the book. Amazon Customer
- Got two grandsons who are creative and zany. Carol McAdams Moore has given me a tool to give to these young men that will incorporate their love of the wacky to the Creator of their minds. Cleo Lampos
For boys - For girls -
copyright (c) 2014 Carol McAdams Moore
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Christmas Memories and Hope
This morning I am blogging on the Christian Children's Authors website.
Have you decorated your Christmas tree yet? As I type, ours is a work in progress.Each ornament
that we unwrap holds special memories. Some are angels made of paper
doilies and glitter, the work of tiny hands in Sunday School in years
past. Read More
For boys - For girls -
copyright (c) 2014 Carol McAdams Moore
Notes from Carol
I am blessed to have two new releases. They are tween devos from Zonderkidz. What are people saying about the devotionals?
- The best tween (or teen!) devotional we've ever seen is by Carol McAdams Moore. Lots of pizzazz! - Meghan Carver
- Got two grandsons who are creative and zany. Carol McAdams Moore has given me a tool to give to these young men that will incorporate their love of the wacky to the Creator of their minds. Cleo Lampos
For boys - For girls -
copyright (c) 2014 Carol McAdams Moore
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Sharing Your Book's Testimony
Today I am blogging on the Christian Authors Network.
I want to share one of the major benefits of a book signing — the opportunity to interact with readers. For Christian authors, among other things this is a chance to share the testimony of your book. Read more
Notes from Carol
I am blessed to have two new releases. They are tween devos from Zonderkidz. What are people saying about the devotionals?
- The best tween (or teen!) devotional we've ever seen is by Carol McAdams Moore. Lots of pizzazz! - Meghan Carver
- Got two grandsons who are creative and zany. Carol McAdams Moore has given me a tool to give to these young men that will incorporate their love of the wacky to the Creator of their minds. Cleo Lampos
For boys - For girls -
copyright (c) 2014 Carol McAdams Moore
Sunday, November 30, 2014
An Unexpected Blessing
Our Thanksgiving preparation began like every year. There was a rush of company cleaning and a trip to buy groceries. The menu was planned. The beds were made. And then it started.
At first, it was just a few flurries. Soon, those tiny specks changed to large flakes, and the ground was covered in white. It was snowing!
Other than being pretty, one might wonder how snow could bless a Thanksgiving gathering. It blessed our family in three ways.
I was tickled that it snowed on Thanksgiving eve this year. Several of our young visitors reported that they don't get snow in their area. Instead, ice was much more likely to be the winter weather.
Snow lends itself to snowball fights. And, yes, that did happen this holiday.
So a beautiful snowfall was an unexpected blessing on Thanksgiving here. Did your family receive an unexpected blessing at Thanksgiving?
copyright (c) 2014 Carol McAdams Moore
At first, it was just a few flurries. Soon, those tiny specks changed to large flakes, and the ground was covered in white. It was snowing!
Other than being pretty, one might wonder how snow could bless a Thanksgiving gathering. It blessed our family in three ways.
The snow added a holiday mood.
Who can resist the holiday spirit that comes with a snowfall? It prompts finding Christmas music on the radio and singing along. At least one of our guests serenaded her cat with Christmas songs as they traveled home.A kind of hush seemed to separate our home from the rest of the world.
I love the quiet that comes with snow. It is a kind of blanket that calls us to stay inside with our family, safe and warm. What a delightful blessing on Thanksgiving! Of course, the entire day was not spend inside, and part of what happened next reminded me of years past.Some of our guests seldom see snow.
I remember being 10 years old and praying for snow for Christmas. Living in our part of the Midwest, we seldom had a white Christmas, but nonetheless I prayed for it.I was tickled that it snowed on Thanksgiving eve this year. Several of our young visitors reported that they don't get snow in their area. Instead, ice was much more likely to be the winter weather.
Snow lends itself to snowball fights. And, yes, that did happen this holiday.
So a beautiful snowfall was an unexpected blessing on Thanksgiving here. Did your family receive an unexpected blessing at Thanksgiving?
Notes from Carol
I am blessed to have two new releases. They are tween devos from Zonderkidz. What people are saying about the devotionals --
- The super fun feature about this devotional is it is interactive. Each devotional encourages drawing or something else artistic right in the book. Amazon Customer
- Got two grandsons who are creative and zany. Carol McAdams Moore has given me a tool to give to these young men that will incorporate their love of the wacky to the Creator of their minds. Cleo Lampos
copyright (c) 2014 Carol McAdams Moore
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Book Festival Fun
Do you enjoy going to outdoor festivals? I love them! Outdoor festivals are an opportunity for those who are enthusiasts about something to gather with those of like minds and hearts, as well as with those who are curious. For me, they rank right up there with parades, evening walks, and trips to the zoo.
This weekend was the first Lit in the Lou Festival in University City, Missouri. Authors, librarians, editors, booksellers, and readers gathered on Saturday for a day of book fun.

I enjoyed interacting with each group! I remember thinking, "I love it here. I don't want to leave." And so I did not, not until the last tents were breaking down and the bookstore owners were packing their boxes. It was a day of fun, of celebration, and of encouragement to keep doing what I love so much - writing.
Author photo by David Lucas
copyright (c) 2014 Carol McAdams Moore
This weekend was the first Lit in the Lou Festival in University City, Missouri. Authors, librarians, editors, booksellers, and readers gathered on Saturday for a day of book fun.

I enjoyed interacting with each group! I remember thinking, "I love it here. I don't want to leave." And so I did not, not until the last tents were breaking down and the bookstore owners were packing their boxes. It was a day of fun, of celebration, and of encouragement to keep doing what I love so much - writing.
What is your passion?
Author photo by David Lucas
Notes from Carol
I am blessed to have two new releases. They are tween devos from Zonderkidz. What people are saying about the devotionals --
- The super fun feature about this devotional is it is interactive. Each devotional encourages drawing or something else artistic right in the book. Amazon Customer
- I highly recommend this book for all parents, grandparents to purchase for any boys in their family. You definitely will not be disappointed!! Amazon Customer
copyright (c) 2014 Carol McAdams Moore
Saturday, October 11, 2014
A Thank-full Heart
Today I am blogging on the Christian Children's Authors blog. I hope you will join me there.
It is fall in the Midwest. This week, I stopped at a roadside shop of sorts, a pickup truck filled with pumpkins large and small. When I was driving home with the small ones chosen to decorate my porch, I couldn’t help but think how blessed I am with family, friends, and God’s provisions. Read more
copyright (c) 2014 Carol McAdams Moore
It is fall in the Midwest. This week, I stopped at a roadside shop of sorts, a pickup truck filled with pumpkins large and small. When I was driving home with the small ones chosen to decorate my porch, I couldn’t help but think how blessed I am with family, friends, and God’s provisions. Read more
Notes from Carol
I am blessed to have two new releases. The are tween devos from Zonderkidz. What people are saying about the devotionals --
- The super fun feature about this devotional is it is interactive. Each devotional encourages drawing or something else artistic right in the book. Amazon Customer
- I highly recommend this book for all parents, grandparents to purchase for any boys in their family. You definitely will not be disappointed!! Amazon Customer
copyright (c) 2014 Carol McAdams Moore
Wednesday, October 08, 2014
Celebrating the Doodle Contest Winners
Congratulations to the Doodle Contest Winners!
A big thank you to everyone who entered the contest! They were ALL great drawings and showed hearts and talents being used for Jesus.
copyright (c) 2014 Carol McAdams Moore
A big thank you to everyone who entered the contest! They were ALL great drawings and showed hearts and talents being used for Jesus.
***Here are the winning doodles for the Doodle Contest***
Sydney from South Carolina sent this doodle.
Nate from South Carolina sent this doodle.
Sydney and Nate will each receive a signed copy of the devotional with their drawing and some goodies to share with friends.
Notes from Carol
What people are saying about the devotionals --
- I know so many tweens that will love it, too–we just need to get it in their hands. They are learning about the Lord in a non-threatening and casual way, which is awesome and what this age group needs. - See more at: http://margodill.com/blog/2014/09/25/cool-and-hip-devotionals-for-kids-by-carol-mcadams-moore/#sthash.utX3wvxY.GRa3Md2u.dpufI know so many tweens that will love it, too--we just need to get it in their hands. They are learning about the Lord in a non-threatening and casual way, which is awesome and what this age group needs. More Margo Dill, Author
I know so many tweens that will love it, too–we just need to get it in their hands. They are learning about the Lord in a non-threatening and casual way, which is awesome and what this age group needs. - See more at: http://margodill.com/blog/2014/09/25/cool-and-hip-devotionals-for-kids-by-carol-mcadams-moore/#sthash.utX3wvxY.GRa3Md2u.dpufI know so many tweens that will love it, too–we just need to get it in their hands. They are learning about the Lord in a non-threatening and casual way, which is awesome and what this age group needs. - See more at: http://margodill.com/blog/2014/09/25/cool-and-hip-devotionals-for-kids-by-carol-mcadams-moore/#sthash.utX3wvxY.GRa3Md2u.dpufShe definitely knows how to speak into the hearts of this age and my daughter says this is the coolest book she's had about God! More Melissa, Parent and Homeschooler
- II wanted to let you know how much my students enjoyed your bookmarks and devotion pages. We have been studying "ways to become wise" in Bible class and were discussing reading our Bibles a few days before the items arrived. They made a great added bonus to my lesson plans. Thank you so much!!!!
- I wanted to let you know how much my students enjoyed your bookmarks and devotion pages. We have been studying "ways to become wise" in Bible class and were discussing reading our Bibles a few days before the items arrived. They made a great added bonus to my lesson plans. Thank you so much!!!! Andrea Chevalier, Educator
copyright (c) 2014 Carol McAdams Moore
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Shared Bible Journals
Today I am on the Christian Children's Authors blog, writing about Shared Bible Journals. Hope to see you there!
Do you like to celebrate your birthday? Ever celebrate for your entire birthday month? Yeah. Me too.
This is the birthday month for my tween devos. They released on September 16th
I thank God for this opportunity to share His Word with readers who are 9 -12 years old. Will you help me get the word out to them? I believe that God blesses us so that we can bless others. This month, I will have one giveaway a day. I do hop around a bit, so the giveaway might be here, on my author page, on Twitter (@CMcAdamsMoore), or on my blog (carolmcadamsmoore.blogspot.com). Just sayin'
Just Sayin'
copyright (c) 2014 Carol McAdams Moore
Notes from Carol
Do you like to celebrate your birthday? Ever celebrate for your entire birthday month? Yeah. Me too.
This is the birthday month for my tween devos. They released on September 16th
I thank God for this opportunity to share His Word with readers who are 9 -12 years old. Will you help me get the word out to them? I believe that God blesses us so that we can bless others. This month, I will have one giveaway a day. I do hop around a bit, so the giveaway might be here, on my author page, on Twitter (@CMcAdamsMoore), or on my blog (carolmcadamsmoore.blogspot.com). Just sayin'
Just Sayin'
copyright (c) 2014 Carol McAdams Moore
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Bible Memory Verse Game
Recently, I posted on the Christian Children's Author blog about a quick and inexpensive Bible memory verse game.
Tuesday, September 02, 2014
Book Giveaway
September is here! Dare U 2 Open This Book and Just Sayin' will release on September 16th! I am very thankful for your prayers and encouragement. To celebrate and to try to reach as many kids as possible, I am hosting a 30-day giveaway.
Dare U 2 Open This Book
Just Sayin'
Are you a children's ministry worker? Today I am giving away one of my books - your choice - to the first person who comments on this post. If I have already sent you something in the giveaway, let's let someone else take this one.
Do you like to celebrate your birthday? Ever celebrate for your entire birthday month? Yeah. Me too.
This is the birthday month for my tween devos. They will officially be released on September 16th, but they are available for pre-order on Amazon now.
I thank God for this opportunity to share His Word with readers who are 9 -12 years old. Will you help me get the word out to them? I believe that God blesses us so that we can bless others. This month, I will have one giveaway a day. I do hop around a bit, so the giveaway might be here, on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/cmcadamsmoore), on my author page (https://www.facebook.com/Carol.McAdams.Moore), or on Twitter (@CMcAdamsMoore). Just sayin'.
copyright (c) 2014 Carol McAdams Moore
Dare U 2 Open This Book
Are you a children's ministry worker? Today I am giving away one of my books - your choice - to the first person who comments on this post. If I have already sent you something in the giveaway, let's let someone else take this one.
Notes from Carol
Do you like to celebrate your birthday? Ever celebrate for your entire birthday month? Yeah. Me too.
This is the birthday month for my tween devos. They will officially be released on September 16th, but they are available for pre-order on Amazon now.
I thank God for this opportunity to share His Word with readers who are 9 -12 years old. Will you help me get the word out to them? I believe that God blesses us so that we can bless others. This month, I will have one giveaway a day. I do hop around a bit, so the giveaway might be here, on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/cmcadamsmoore), on my author page (https://www.facebook.com/Carol.McAdams.Moore), or on Twitter (@CMcAdamsMoore). Just sayin'.
copyright (c) 2014 Carol McAdams Moore
Monday, September 01, 2014
A Children's Writing Contest
Sometimes, kids cringe when they are asked to write something. A creative writing contest can be fun and put those apprehensions at bay.
I am a member of the St. Louis Writers Guild. Each year, the Guild sponsors a writing contest for kids and teens. This year's Young Writers Awards Contest is happening N-O-W. The Guild has a super writing prompt for the contest. AND there are cash prizes!
Feel free to print the entry form for the young writers in your life. Make sure to print both sides!

Do you like to celebrate your birthday? Ever celebrate for your entire birthday month? Yeah. Me too.
This is the birthday month for my tween devos. They will officially be released on September 16th, but they are available for pre-order on Amazon now.
I thank God for this opportunity to share His Word with readers who are 9 -12 years old. Will you help me get the word out to them? I believe that God blesses us so that we can bless others. This month, I will have one giveaway a day. I do hop around a bit, so the giveaway might be here, on my author page, on Twitter (@CMcAdamsMoore), or on my blog (carolmcadamsmoore.blogspot.com). Just sayin'
Just Sayin'
Today's giveaway (a set of bookmarks) is going out to Rhonda Tohline Friday!
copyright (c) 2014 Carol McAdams Moore
I am a member of the St. Louis Writers Guild. Each year, the Guild sponsors a writing contest for kids and teens. This year's Young Writers Awards Contest is happening N-O-W. The Guild has a super writing prompt for the contest. AND there are cash prizes!
Feel free to print the entry form for the young writers in your life. Make sure to print both sides!

Notes from Carol
Do you like to celebrate your birthday? Ever celebrate for your entire birthday month? Yeah. Me too.
This is the birthday month for my tween devos. They will officially be released on September 16th, but they are available for pre-order on Amazon now.
I thank God for this opportunity to share His Word with readers who are 9 -12 years old. Will you help me get the word out to them? I believe that God blesses us so that we can bless others. This month, I will have one giveaway a day. I do hop around a bit, so the giveaway might be here, on my author page, on Twitter (@CMcAdamsMoore), or on my blog (carolmcadamsmoore.blogspot.com). Just sayin'
Just Sayin'
Today's giveaway (a set of bookmarks) is going out to Rhonda Tohline Friday!
copyright (c) 2014 Carol McAdams Moore
Friday, August 01, 2014
Writer/Blogger World Tour: Cleo Lampos Explains How She Writes
Today author Cleo Lampos joins the Writer/Blogger World Tour.
Cleo Lampos is a retired teacher who has developed her writing and speaking skills into a ministry. With 26 years of special education under her belt, she enjoys preparing for lecture series based on the lives of teachers. She brings one granddaughter to Open Mic at the local library where they participate in the fun. The Teachers of Diamond Projects School is a series of novels about urban teachers that she has written. Teaching Diamonds in the Tough is her narrative nonfiction based on her years of journaling. One historic fiction, A Mother's Song, is a tribute to the mothers of the orphan trains. All her books are published by Oak Tara.
Connect with Cleo!
Visit her blog: http://www.cleolampos.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CleoLampos
Cleo Lampos is a retired teacher who has developed her writing and speaking skills into a ministry. With 26 years of special education under her belt, she enjoys preparing for lecture series based on the lives of teachers. She brings one granddaughter to Open Mic at the local library where they participate in the fun. The Teachers of Diamond Projects School is a series of novels about urban teachers that she has written. Teaching Diamonds in the Tough is her narrative nonfiction based on her years of journaling. One historic fiction, A Mother's Song, is a tribute to the mothers of the orphan trains. All her books are published by Oak Tara.
Connect with Cleo!
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CleoLampos
What am I working on?
Right now, the third book in the teachers’ series is ready for proofreading. The working title is Cultivating Wildflowers, and, of course, highlights an urban teacher who falls in love with an unsuspecting hero. In this case, Alana is court mandated to teach summer school to a group of foster children who are nature deficit disordered among other emotional issues. Her co-teacher is straight from Outward Bound, a survival camping experience for teens with behavior problems. But baggage from Alana’s past and her lack of forgiveness create an atmosphere that dooms the very things that she desires. Will her fledgling faith be enough? The release date for this novel is Fall, 2014.
How does my work differ from other genres?
Writing what I call “teacher romance” is unique. The teacher in each book is at a different assignment in the district, Diamond Projects School. The unifying person is Ginnie Hoekstra who manages special projects for the administration. An urban school with the challenges and triumphs that only urban teachers experience is paramount to the series. The educators develop their faith as they learn the lessons inherent to their class. Falling in love is just the apple on the desk.
Why do I write what I do?
One historical novel has been published by Oak Tara. When I visited my brother in St. Cloud, MN, we went to the Stearne County Museum where I discovered books on the orphan trains that stopped there. My fascination with this little known bit of history developed into five years of research, attending the Little Falls Orphan Train Reunion, meeting four riders, and going to the Orphan Train Museum in Concordia, Kansas. The result is A Mother’s Song, an historic novel which tells the story of a mother who loves her children enough to give them life, and the mother who receives them in the west. Ava Rose, the daughter who loves them both, becomes a teacher in Nebraska. I wrote the book to give the reader an insight into the courage and despair of mothers in Five Points, as well as the strength of the women on the frontier. Underlying the entire book is the enduring faith of the people involved, which research indicated was important to the orphan train experience.
How does your writing process work?
Every book that I write is carefully researched and events taken from newspaper clippings, magazine articles, real life experiences, books, or other first-hand accounts. In Miss Bee and the Do Bees, the school bus is hit by bullets from gangs. Two incidents happened during the writing of the books in the streets of Chicago just like the one in my novel. I create an outline of events for the book, then start writing. Guess that structure is important to me. Never could write from the seat of my pants. When I am writing, each week has a goal of so many words. I try to stick to that goal. Getting the first draft done is important, then the revisions start. It takes a while to get things the way that I want. I belong to a critique group who comment on the chapters that I bring to the group. They give helpful feedback. Writing five days a week helps my mind to keep fluid. Sometimes, my blog is the goal of the day, or getting a speaking engagement written out, but writing almost daily is imperative.
A Note from Carol
Many thanks to Cleo for sharing a little about her writing process today. Check back for more links to authors in the blog tour.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Six Ways to Reach Young Readers with Series Books
Recently, I posted about series book memories from childhood. In recent discussions, many of you joined in and probably shared opinions with others. Today, I want to summarize six reasons that children and teens are drawn to series books.
Karen loves to let creativity splash across the pages of her
writing as she encourages families to thrive, treasure one another, and connect
to God.
Connect with Karen!
Cleo Lampos is a retired teacher who has developed her writing and speaking skills into a ministry. With 26 years of special education under her belt, she enjoys preparing for lecture series based on the lives of teachers. She brings one granddaughter to Open Mic at the local library where they participate in the fun. The Teachers of Diamond Projects School is a series of novels about urban teachers that she has written. Teaching Diamonds in the Tough is her narrative nonfiction based on her years of journaling. One historic fiction, A Mother's Song, is a tribute to the mothers of the orphan trains. All her books are published by Oak Tara.
Connect with Cleo!
- Familiar Characters - The characters in a book series may seem like friends or even family. The next book in a series can be a comfortable place to go because of familiarity.
- Admired Heroes - The series characters may do the daring or courageous. They may be heroes in the eyes of the readers, people to admire and emulate (if only in the reader's imagination).
- Preferred Genre - The series may be written in a preferred genre, such as mystery or adventure.
- Trusted Choice - Parents seek authors and books they can trust. A proven series may draw the attention of parents. They can trust the work without extensive review.
- Easy Choice - The things above make a favorite series an easy choice. The child or tween reader can make a decision without wondering if they will like the book. The others in the series have passed the reader's test. The next book is an easy choice.
- Generational Share - This is the sweetest and one of the most powerful ways that young reader are drawn to series books. The love of a series is passed from parent to child, shared, reread, and loved again.

The Writer/Blogger World Tour continues! Last week I posted about how I write here. I joined Cindy Ervin Huff who explained how she writes here.
This week, I pass the baton to Karen Whiting and Cleo Lampos. Click on their names to read how they write.
Karen Whiting is an international speaker and award-winning
author of seventeen books. She’s the former television host of Puppets On Parade. Her newest books are
Nature Girl: a guide to caring for God’s creation and The One Year My Princess
Devotions. Her upcoming releases are The One Year Devotions for Active Boys and
Hope From His Heart (a devotional for women).
Connect with Karen!
Blog www. http://karenwhiting.blogspot.com/
Facebook www.facebook.com/KarenHWhiting
Website www.karenwhiting.com
Twitter www.twitter.com/KarenHWhiting
Pinterest www.twitter.com/KarenHWhiting
Cleo Lampos is a retired teacher who has developed her writing and speaking skills into a ministry. With 26 years of special education under her belt, she enjoys preparing for lecture series based on the lives of teachers. She brings one granddaughter to Open Mic at the local library where they participate in the fun. The Teachers of Diamond Projects School is a series of novels about urban teachers that she has written. Teaching Diamonds in the Tough is her narrative nonfiction based on her years of journaling. One historic fiction, A Mother's Song, is a tribute to the mothers of the orphan trains. All her books are published by Oak Tara.
Connect with Cleo!
Visit her blog: http://www.cleolampos.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CleoLampos
Have we connected on Twitter and Facebook?
copyright (c) 2014 Carol McAdams Moore
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CleoLampos
Notes from Carol
Have we connected on Twitter and Facebook?
copyright (c) 2014 Carol McAdams Moore

Monday, July 21, 2014
Writer/Blogger World Tour: This Is How I Do It
Many thanks to Cindy Ervin Huff for inviting me to participate in this blog tour!
Cindy Huff has been freelancing for over thirty years for children and adults in both the Christian and general markets. She has 100+ writing credits in both fiction and non-fiction. Her unpublished Historical Fiction Secrets and Charades received the Editor's Choice Award at the 2014 Write-to-Publish Conference. It is now in the hands of awesome editors. She is the President of the Aurora, Illinois chapter of Word Weavers and a member of the Christian Writer's Guild. Cindy loves making new friends and helping other writers. Visit her on any of the links below.
Connect with Cindy!
Writer's Patchwork Blog: www.jubileewriter.wordpress.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/cindyehuff
Each member of this blog tour will answer the following four questions. Today is my turn to share with you!
My second focus is a young adult novel. Starting it was the response to a challenge from several people who care and are invested in my writing career. (You know who you are.) Once I sat down and started writing, I found myself hooked on the characters and the story line. I can't elaborate much more than that right now.
Third, I am working on a chapter book (think early elementary readers). It combines the heartfelt, yet humorous, real-life struggles of a boy, his dog, and his best friend. I so wish I could tell you more! Let's hope that this is on the bookstore shelves soon. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Three very different focuses - right? That's okay. I like it that way!
Here is how the publisher describes the one for boys:
Dare U 2 Open this Book is not your typical 90-day devotional for guys. It’s an all-out open space for you to explore and learn more about yourself and your faith with prompts to get your mind thinking and your creative ideas flowing, turn your thoughts and emotions into dynamic doodles, fill in the prayer blanks, solve puzzles, and more.
Dare U 2 Open this Book challenges guys to follow Jesus. Best. Idea. Ever.
I love writing for beginning readers because they are so excited about learning to read for themselves. I blogged about it here.
Writing for middle grade is just as dear to my heart. Tweens are at a challenging age. In more and more situations, they must choose to follow what they have been taught or what the world is offering. Read more about why I write for middle grade here.
On a writing day, I like to follow a certain order of work. I wouldn't call it a schedule because it might begin at a different time each day and the components might last varying times. Nonetheless, the order of the day is what helps me stay on track and accomplish as much as I can.
I begin with my own quiet time (reading the Bible and praying). This is also a part of my writing time for two reasons. I believe that God has a plan for my day (and yours). Focusing on His Word and praying helps me get in tune with his idea of what my day should look like. Because I write devotions for kids, lots of ideas for those come up during this time as well. Okay. Confession time. You know the spiral notebooks that they sell very inexpensively at back-to-school time? I use one of those for notes and devotion ideas from every one or two books of the Bible. Yep.
Next I try to focus on actual writing. It might be working on a proposal or writing something like a manuscript, article, or a blog post. This comprises the bulk of my writing time.
At the end of the day, my mind is tired (so is the rest of me). I use this time to research churches and Christian schools that might be interested when I have an author event their a specific area.
I hope that those answers explain a little more about my writing. Thanks again, to Cindy for including me in this blog tour. Next Monday, I am excited to hear from Karen Whiting and Cleo Lampos.
Karen loves to let creativity splash across the pages of her
writing as she encourages families to thrive, treasure one another, and connect
to God.
Connect with Karen!
Cleo Lampos is a retired teacher who has developed her writing and speaking skills into a ministry. With 26 years of special education under her belt, she enjoys preparing for lecture series based on the lives of teachers. She brings one granddaughter to Open Mic at the local library where they participate in the fun. The Teachers of Diamond Projects School is a series of novels about urban teachers that she has written. Teaching Diamonds in the Tough is her narrative nonfiction based on her years of journaling. One historic fiction, A Mother's Song, is a tribute to the mothers of the orphan trains. All her books are published by Oak Tara.
Connect with Cleo!
Cindy Huff has been freelancing for over thirty years for children and adults in both the Christian and general markets. She has 100+ writing credits in both fiction and non-fiction. Her unpublished Historical Fiction Secrets and Charades received the Editor's Choice Award at the 2014 Write-to-Publish Conference. It is now in the hands of awesome editors. She is the President of the Aurora, Illinois chapter of Word Weavers and a member of the Christian Writer's Guild. Cindy loves making new friends and helping other writers. Visit her on any of the links below.
Connect with Cindy!
Writer's Patchwork Blog: www.jubileewriter.wordpress.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/cindyehuff
Each member of this blog tour will answer the following four questions. Today is my turn to share with you!
What am I working on?
I am working on three things. The first is marketing my tween devos which will release October 7, 2014. I am super excited about this opportunity from Zonderkidz. Stay tuned to this blog and my Facebook page as we get closer to the release date!
My second focus is a young adult novel. Starting it was the response to a challenge from several people who care and are invested in my writing career. (You know who you are.) Once I sat down and started writing, I found myself hooked on the characters and the story line. I can't elaborate much more than that right now.
Third, I am working on a chapter book (think early elementary readers). It combines the heartfelt, yet humorous, real-life struggles of a boy, his dog, and his best friend. I so wish I could tell you more! Let's hope that this is on the bookstore shelves soon. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Three very different focuses - right? That's okay. I like it that way!
How does my work differ from other genres?
I think that my devotion writing for tweens differs from others in the same genre in its format. I love to see what kids are reading. Then, I try to find commonalities between those books. My tween devos are similar in format to other popular tween books that incorporate a variety of ways to engage readers.
Here is how the publisher describes the one for boys:
Dare U 2 Open this Book is not your typical 90-day devotional for guys. It’s an all-out open space for you to explore and learn more about yourself and your faith with prompts to get your mind thinking and your creative ideas flowing, turn your thoughts and emotions into dynamic doodles, fill in the prayer blanks, solve puzzles, and more.
Dare U 2 Open this Book challenges guys to follow Jesus. Best. Idea. Ever.
Why do I write what I do?
That might best be answered with why I write.
I love writing for beginning readers because they are so excited about learning to read for themselves. I blogged about it here.
Writing for middle grade is just as dear to my heart. Tweens are at a challenging age. In more and more situations, they must choose to follow what they have been taught or what the world is offering. Read more about why I write for middle grade here.
How does your writing process work?
On a writing day, I like to follow a certain order of work. I wouldn't call it a schedule because it might begin at a different time each day and the components might last varying times. Nonetheless, the order of the day is what helps me stay on track and accomplish as much as I can.
I begin with my own quiet time (reading the Bible and praying). This is also a part of my writing time for two reasons. I believe that God has a plan for my day (and yours). Focusing on His Word and praying helps me get in tune with his idea of what my day should look like. Because I write devotions for kids, lots of ideas for those come up during this time as well. Okay. Confession time. You know the spiral notebooks that they sell very inexpensively at back-to-school time? I use one of those for notes and devotion ideas from every one or two books of the Bible. Yep.
Next I try to focus on actual writing. It might be working on a proposal or writing something like a manuscript, article, or a blog post. This comprises the bulk of my writing time.
At the end of the day, my mind is tired (so is the rest of me). I use this time to research churches and Christian schools that might be interested when I have an author event their a specific area.
I hope that those answers explain a little more about my writing. Thanks again, to Cindy for including me in this blog tour. Next Monday, I am excited to hear from Karen Whiting and Cleo Lampos.
Karen Whiting is an international speaker and award-winning
author of seventeen books. She’s the former television host of Puppets On Parade. Her newest books are
Nature Girl: a guide to caring for God’s creation and The One Year My Princess
Devotions. Her upcoming releases are The One Year Devotions for Active Boys and
Hope From His Heart (a devotional for women).
Connect with Karen!
Blog www. http://karenwhiting.blogspot.com/
Facebook www.facebook.com/KarenHWhiting
Website www.karenwhiting.com
Twitter www.twitter.com/KarenHWhiting
Pinterest www.twitter.com/KarenHWhiting
Connect with Cleo!

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