Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Every Penny Counts

This idea is suitable for:
  • children's groups at church
  • homeschoolers
  • family devotion time


  • an empty plastic jar (One with a wide mouth works best.)
  • small amount of duct tape
  • pennies
  • another container or bag to hold the pennies until they are used
  • Sunday School lesson, devotion material, focus Bible story


  1. Prepare the jar by washing and drying it.
  2. Add a single strip of duct tape around the middle of the jar.
  3. Gather pennies
  4. Choose the Bible materials (stories, lessons, devotions)

How to Do the Activity

  1. Read the story of  the widow's gift in Luke 21:1-4.
  2. Explain that even small amounts of giving add up. (In this case, the widow's giving was not small to her.)
  3. Explain that the Every Penny Counts activity will be ongoing. After reading a Bible story, lesson, or devotional reading, you will ask questions. Every correct answer will earn a penny in the jar.
  4. Together choose where the funds will go (missions, local food pantry, purchase of items for Operation Christmas Child box).
  5. When the jar is full, have students guess the amount of money collected. 
  6. Count the money and then contribute it to the agreed-upon area of giving. As a group, pray for the recipients of the money.
  7. Reward children with a free time party.
  8. Repeat with the jar and new pennies. 

 Other Options

  1. Add in Math! Have the kids add on the amount of money earned at each sitting for a running total.
  2. Have multiple jars of graduating sizes, each with a different color tape. Explain that after completing one level (perhaps green), they will be moving on to the next level (of a different color).


Notes from Carol

Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you will come back often! Let's connect on Twitter and Facebook too!


copyright (c) 2013 Carol McAdams Moore

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