Saturday, August 17, 2013

Back to School Mini-Mission

Kids are headed back to school. It is a time of excitement and happy anticipation for many kids, but it is a not so happy time for others. Lots of students will go back to school without the needed supplies. Sure, there are lots of free backpack events that offer fully stocked backpacks, but not every child has the opportunity to attend one of those.

Challenge the kids in your church class (or your own children) to do a mini-mission.

  1. Display a variety of school supplies on the table.
  2. Ask the kids if they have noticed another student who is missing a particular needed supply.
  3. Allow the kids to choose an item that fills the need.
  4. Then, have them write a short, anonymous note to go with the chosen item.
  5. Explain that the Bible teaches that we should help others in need, but we should not make a show of our work before others.
  6. Encourage the kids to secretly place the item on the needy child's desk without being seen.


Notes from Carol

  • I am having a Doodle Race on my blog (here). 
  • Kids (and adults) can submit a doodle (simple drawing) for the race. 
  • Zonderkidz is offering prizes to two winners (a free book and publication in my devos). . . Thanks, Zonderkidz! ! !

I'd be honored if you share the race with your fam and friends. Post it on your facebook, website, or blog. It is going to be fun! 

Here is a link you can share: 


copyright (c) 2013 Carol McAdams Moore

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