Are you considering working in the children's ministry? Maybe you have been working there for a long time. Maybe you are re-entering that realm of service after a busy season of work and raising your own children. How do you see your role in children's ministry? You might be surprised at what God calls you to do!
Often we think of teaching a Sunday School class when we think of children's ministry. It is perhaps the most visible form of serving. Teaching is important and certainly necessary, but maybe that is not what you are called to do.
the other areas of ministry as well. Remember that Jesus has a specific calling for you.
Music and Drama
Is your passion music? Children of all ages love to sing. There are many ways that musicians can serve in children's ministry. Worship leader, accompianist, and children's choir director are a few of them.
Often children's ministry involves a drama component. It might be putting on a skit to teach the Bible story, or it might be working with a children's group to put on their own play or musical production. You might be called to help or lead children's drama.
Arts and Crafts
Do you love making things? The arts and crafts area of children's ministry might be for you. Many times, teachers are reluctant to undertake this area, or they are too busy preparing the lesson to really gather the needed art ideas and supplies.
Recently, I heard of a Sunday School program that has an focused art component. A retired art teacher visits each classroom (on a rotating basis) to lead an art activity that relates to the week's lesson. Genius!
Recreation and Sports
VBS recreation is hugely popular. What a great place to serve and teach Christian sportsmanship. Recently, the idea of combining Christian teaching and outreach has extended to church-sponsored sports programs open to the community. The
Upwards Sports program is a good example.
Many families seek Christian summer camps for their kids. The
Spring Hill Camps offer a wide range of recreation and sports while kids learn to grow in their faith.
Food - Food - Food
Bake cookies, serve VBS snacks, prepare food for children's outreach programs. Kids need to eat. If you love to cook or bake, consider the food area of children's ministry.
This generation of children is all about technology. They bring their Bibles on their ipads or phones. Seriously. They adore multi-media games on the big screen. They often worship in groups with complicated sound systems. Are you a techie? Children's ministry needs you!
For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts. . . Romans 12:4-6a (NIV)
Are you being called to children's ministry? Which area is the one in which God has gifted you? Which roles in children's ministry did I forget?
copyright (c) 2013 Carol McAdams Moore