Have you ever heard someone say that?
What was on your Christmas list? For some reason, I kept hearing about socks this year. Some people added socks to their wish list. Others seemed to be always looking for socks (as in borrowing from others). Still others chatted or posted about the need for socks at shelters and "food" pantries.
Why are socks so important?
- They offer warmth in cold winter temps.
- They keep feet dry in damp weather.
- They give comfort to tired, aching feet.
- They help with cleanliness.
- They are F_U_N!
- They can add to a fashion statement.
What do socks have to do with children's ministry?
- Kids can relate to the list above. Everyone needs socks.
- Giving socks is a tangible way to show God's love.
Does the Bible talk about socks?
Yep.I needed clothes and you clothed me. . . Matthew 25:36 (NIV)
How might you add socks into your work with kids?
Notes from Carol
I am super excited about my books. . .
Dare U 2 Open This Book - 90 ways to rock your faith
Just Sayin' - 90 ways to rock your faith
Coming from Zonderkidz in October 2014!
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copyright (c) 2013 Carol McAdams Moore