I am one of those early morning writers, but I have not always been like that. When I was growing up and had my share of worries and disappointments, I remember my mom suggesting that I go on to bed and get some rest. She would encourage me by saying that everything would look different in the morning.
As you can see, not everyone in my house shares my love of early morning. Sometimes our little cat, Luna, is asleep in the chair when I walk into my office to start writing. I thought that cats were supposed to be nocturnal, but she always blinks her eyes and looks at me as if a little more sleep would be nice. Or sometimes she doesn't even let me disturb her rest.
Now I must admit that my favorite part of the day is early, early morning. And my mom was right. Things do look different in then. Early morning is such a perfect time to write. . . before the needs of the day start to crowd in for attention. It is such a sweet time to pray and read the Bible.
What about you? When is your favorite time to be alone with God?
I am one of those early morning writers, but I have not always been like that. Tweet this!
Early morning is such a sweet time to pray and read the Bible. Tweet this!
What about you? When do you take time to be alone with God? Tweet this!
copyright (c) 2013 Carol McAdams Moore